Preparing and Presenting Evidence
Many planning, environmental and resource management projects are vetted through quasi-judicial decision processes. These processes are different from anything most public and private sector managers and staff have experienced. Being a witness in such proceedings makes special demands and requires clarity of thought and presentation. This course is designed to get you focused on being a witness.
Our course covers the following topics:
- What does it mean to be a Witness?
- What is Evidence?
- Writing Effective Briefs/Witness Statements.
- Admissibility of Evidence.
- Determining Significance.
- Prepping Your Evidence.
- Preparing Your Mind.
- Characteristics/Behaviour of a Good Witness
Mock Hearing Practice
In addition out training includes 1 or 2 days of mock hearing where participants can practice, test out training tips and hone witness skills.
Selected related projects
Our senior consultants have provided this course material to various clients including:
BC Ministry of Forests
NWT Land and Water Board
Public Works Canada
Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada
Various Consulting Firms