Today’s natural resource industries—mining and forestry—benefit from understanding the worldview, history, traditions and politics of the First Nations in order to enter into meaningful relations. This course not only looks into these important and valuable areas but also looks at past problems of consultation with First Nations and seeks solutions.
The Outline is as follows:
- Understanding the Current Context (Legal and Moral)
- First Nations Relationship with the Land
- Governance and Heredity
- First Contact, Treaties and Ongoing Native/Canadian Relations
- Understanding the Valued Environmental Components From an Aboriginal Perspective
- The Importance of Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK)
- The Importance of Environmental Consultation with First Nations
- Traditional Knowledge and the Consultation Process
- Consultation and What Can Go Wrong
- Consultation Process
- Getting it Right from the Start
- Financial Considerations
Selected related projects
Our senior consultants have provided this course material to various clients including:
Victoria Gold Corporation
DeBeers Canada
Mushkegowuk Tribal Council
North Shore Tribal Council/Chiefs of Manitoulin
Natural Resources Canada