No organization can afford to ignore public opinion. This workshop is designed to assist organizations in systematically and proactively being prepared and to respond effectively and appropriately to whatever situation occurs.
This workshop covers the following topics:
- Controversy and Confrontation
- What is a Crisis?
- Be Prepared
- The Process of Understanding
- Planning and Structuring Communication
- Dealing with the Media
- Characteristics of Various Communication Mechanism
- Delivery Skills
- Tracking and Managing Social Media
- Consultation and What Can Go Wrong
- Developing an Effective Consultation Process
- Getting it Right from the Start
- Building 2-Way Trust
- Financial Considerations
Selected related projects
Our senior consultants have provided this course material to various clients including:
General Chemical Company
International Minerals and Chemicals Inc.
Nunavut Environmental Review Board
MacKenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board
American Institute of Baking
OPG – Pickering A – Reactor Restart